New-Fortune New Energy, Safeguarding the Safety of Power Batteries


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With the national "14th Five-Year Plan" put forward, China's various industries are responding to the national "Carbon Peak" and "Carbon Neutral" policy, and have embarked on the road of green development in recent years. Among them, the market share of new energy vehicles represented by the automotive industry is constantly increasing, gradually replacing traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, and becoming an important force in the development process of China's automotive industry. But along with this is the exploration of the safety of new energy vehicles, which is also a key research topic in the industry. The frequent occurrence of electric vehicle battery safety accidents not only hinders the development of the new energy vehicle industry, but also poses a huge threat to the personal safety of users. Major power battery

manufacturers are focusing on researching the safety of power batteries for new energy vehicles, to ensure the safety and reliability of the battery performance, in order to fundamentally eliminate the battery risk.


宁福新能源作为行业内的前排企业,也在不断强化自身在动力电池安全性能方面的优势,打造产品安全壁垒。广西宁福新能源科技有限公司是多氟多公司依托自身材料优势及其在新能源电池版块十余年的技术累积与沉淀,于2021年在南宁成立的专门从事研发新型动力电池及材料、模组及动力电池包等产品的高新技术企业。广西宁福新能源成立虽晚,却少年老成,早在2010年,多氟多就已经在焦作成立全资子公司买球赛·(中国)官方网站,正式踏入动力电池产业领域,打造10GWh动力电池基地,专门从事动力电池生产研发与经营,到2021年广西宁福新能源科技有限公司成立,打造广西南宁20GWh锂电池项目,并与位于焦作的买球赛·(中国)官方网站合并,宁福新能源公司在动力电池领域俨然成为一颗耀眼的新星。As a leading enterprise in the industry, New-Fortune New Energy is also continuously strengthening its own advantages in power battery safety performance to build product safety barriers. Guangxi New-Fortune New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development of new power batteries and materials, modules and power packs, etc., established in Nanning in 2021, relying on the material advantages and more than ten years of technological accumulation and precipitation in the new energy battery sector by DFD corporation. Guangxi New-Fortune New Energy was established late, but is full of experience. As early as 2010, DFD has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary Do-Fluoride New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. in Jiaozuo, formally entering the field of power battery industry and building a 10GWh power battery base, specializing in power battery production, research and development and operation. By 2021, Guangxi New-Fortune New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. was established to build a 20GWh lithium battery project in Nanning, Guangxi, and merged with Do-Fluoride New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. located in Jiaozuo, becoming a shining star in the field of power battery.



The lithium battery research institute of the company has achieved molecular structure innovation, and possesses the core technology in the R&D and manufacturing of cathode and electrolyte materials, with obvious advantages in the industrial chain. It also possesses advanced non-woven diaphragm technology for battery manufacturing, with an ion transmittance rate of more than 90%, greatly improving battery performance. The self-developed NMC pouch batteries, the new structure of 60 series cylindrical batteries and prismatic batteries are widely used in passenger vehicles, fast charging passenger vehicles and domestic and foreign two-wheeled vehicles, energy storage field. It has established long-term partnerships with multiple leading domestic car companies (such as GAC New Energy, SAIC General Wuling, Chery New Energy, etc.). In recent years, the cumulative installed capacity has reached 6.71GWh, and the products have been installed in more than 300,000 vehicles. The installed capacity ranking continues to remain in the top 15 in China, while installed capacity of LFP battery maintains the top 10 in China. The products in the industry have an excellent reputation, making it an excellent supplier to a number of enterprises.




Power battery is the most critical components of new energy vehicles. Safety accidents such as explosions and combustion of new energy vehicle batteries pose a serious threat to the safety people's lives and property.公司依托多氟多材料研发优势,自主开发高容量单晶正极材料以及硅碳负极材料,通过元素掺杂、表面修饰技术,降低产品的不可逆容量损失,宽温域充放电性能优异,提高高电压下结构稳定性及安全性能。电芯开发大容量全极耳铝壳圆柱,产品内阻小、循环寿命长、PACK 兼容性高、效率成本有优势。结构采用上下防爆设计,满足国标热失控不蔓延,安全性能优异。

Relying on the material R&D advantages of DFD, the company independently develops high-capacity single-crystal cathode materials and silicon-carbon anode materials. Through element doping and surface modification technology, the company reduces irreversible capacity loss of the products, and has excellent charging and discharging performance in a wide range of temperature and improves the stability of the structure and safety performance under high voltage. The cell is developed with high-capacity, full-tab, and aluminum shell cylinder, which has low internal resistance, long cycle life, high pack compatibility, and efficiency and cost advantages. The structure adopts the upper and lower explosion-proof design to meet the national standard of thermal runaway non-spreading, with excellent safety performance.


After merging with Do-Fluoride New Energy located in Jiaozuo, New-Fortune New Energy also owns an independent testing center for power batteries, which has been certified by CNAS Laboratory Certification and SGS Laboratory Certification in 2020, and a number of the company's products have passed domestic and international mandatory inspection, which helps the company's products spread throughout the international markets. The safety issues of new energy vehicle power batteries are mainly caused by internal and external factors, including collisions, salt spray, punctures, etc. New-Fortune New Energy conducts experimental research on power batteries and strictly tests each type of cells, modules, and power battery packs above national standards.



For cells and modules, verify the battery's load-bearing capacity from normal charging and discharging state to maximum charging and discharging through overcharging and overdischarging, and simulate the reaction and performance of the battery under internal short-circuit situation, to assess the battery's safety performance and response under internal short-circuit conditions, so as to ensure that that accidents do not occur during use. The company's testing center also conducts tests on cells and modules by pinprick, extrusion, heating and temperature cycling respectively. It evaluates the structural strength and safety performance of the battery under external forces during normal use, and verifies the stability of the battery under extreme high temperatures (>130°C) to ensure that each battery cell has a safety level higher than the national standard under various use environments.


All battery packs produced by the company have passed IPX7 testing and have extremely high waterproof function, perfectly resisting water-wading roads. The entire power battery system has also undergone more rigorous testing. In addition to verifying the BMS protection function through overcharging, overdischarging, overheating, and overcurrent, a series of other rigorous tests have also been conducted, including:



Thermal Diffusion Test: The battery pack or system should provide a thermal event alarm signal (serving as a vehicle thermal event alarm to remind passengers to evacuate) 5 minutes before a single battery thermal runaway causes thermal diffusion and poses a danger to the passenger compartment.


Mechanical Impact Test: Simulate and analyze the degree of harm caused to the battery system when the vehicle passes through uneven roads at high speed during use, and verify the mechanical strength and reliability of the battery pack.



Vibration Test: Simulate the bumps and vibrations that the vehicle may encounter in daily use to test the protective ability of the battery pack.模拟碰撞试验:模拟车辆真实碰撞事故现场,评估。Simulated Collision Test: Simulate the actual collision scene of vehicles and evaluate it.


Bottom Ball Impact Test: Verify the internal structure, sealing, and protective ability of the battery.



Salt Spray Test: Simulate the deactivation, corrosion, and other conditions of batteries in harsh environments to test their durability and reliability.


Through various series of testing experiments, New-Fortune New Energy has ensured the safety and reliability of the cells, modules, and overall battery packs, eliminating safety risks before installation.



New-Fortune New Energy always puts product quality first to serve customers in the market, ensuring that in the process of manufacturing each battery, attention is paid to the material selection and structural design of the battery, ensuring its stability and durability. It strictly follows relevant standards for testing to ensure the safety performance of the product under various conditions, and continuously improves its technical level, making positive contributions to the development of new energy.

Xinyuan Road,West Industry Cluster Area,Zhongzhan District,Jiaozuo City,Henan Province,China.


